Membership Information
Operation Rules for Membership on hold, Withdrawal, Reinstatement, and Re-enrollment of Membership
Please note that the membership fee is nonrefundable. We shall accept any applications to put on hold, withdraw, reinstate or re-enroll your membership, in accordance with the terms of the membership agreement. Please contact us via application form only (not via email) Thank you.
Membership on hold
- 1. How to put your membership on hold on a short-term or long-term basis.
- Short-term membership on hold
- We are able to consider requests to place your membership on hold for periods longer than two months.
- If your request to put your membership on hold is due to injury or illness, we are able to consider such requests for periods longer than one month, provided that we are provided with a medical note from a hospital or doctor certifying that such injury or illness warrants no physical activity for longer than one month. Please submit any such requests to us here.
- When you wish to return to full membership, please submit the re-enrollment application form (see link below) by the 21stcalendar day of the previous month in which you would like to re-enroll for full membership. If the application for re-enrollment is not submitted before the expiration date, your membership will be cancelled and re-enrollment after this date will require application in accordance with the procedures for application as a new member.
- If you wish to change the length of time that your membership is put on hold from a short term basis to a long-term basis, please submit your application in accordance with the process required for long-term membership on hold by the 21st calendar day of the month when the short-term membership on hold expires.
- Long-term membership on hold will be accepted for a maximum period of 2 years from the date that the short-term membership on hold commences).
- Click here for the application for Membership on hold:
- Long Term Membership on hold
- Applications for long term membership on hold will be considered for periods from 4 months up to 2 years.
- Your re-enrollment is not guaranteed after the expiry of your long-term membership on hold. The membership will be withdrawn if the relevant class reaches full capacity – please register on the waiting list if this occurs.
- When you wish to come back as a full member, please submit the re-entry application form (see link below) by the 21stcalendar day of the previous month in which you would like to re-enroll as a full member. If an application for re-enrollment is not submitted before the expiration date, your membership will be cancelled and re-joining after this date will require application in accordance with the procedures for application as a new member.
- Long-term Membership on hold will be accepted for a maximum of two years from the date that the long-term membership on hold commences, and membership will be withdrawn after expiry of such 2 years.
- Click here for the application for Membership on hold:
- Short-term membership on hold
- 2. Membership fees when your membership is put on hold
- The relevant application form (as set out above) must be filled out by the 21stcalendar day of the relevant month to stop membership payments being processed for that month.
- If you fill out such application (to place the membership on hold from a day in the next calendar month) after the 22ndcalendar day and up until the end of the month, membership fees will be processed for the period during the next calendar month, however, your payment will be suspended in the first month of rejoining the club.
- We do not accept request to place membership on hold by email. Please use the application forms listed above.
- 1. How to apply for withdrawal
- For withdrawals from membership, please submit such requests using the relevant application form.
- If you wish to re-enroll after withdrawing, please use the re-enrollment application as set out below.
- Click here for the withdrawal application form:
- 2. Cancellation of membership fee subscription in regards to the withdrawal application
- The application forms for withdrawal of membership must be completed and submitted by the 21st calendar day of the month to stop membership payment being processed during that month.
- If you fill out the application for withdrawal after the 22ndcalendar day and up until the end of such month, membership fees will be paid in the following month.
- When you wish to reinstate your membership following the period in which your membership was put on hold, please submit the reinstatement application form as set out below.
- There is no re-entry fee.
- Please submit the reinstatement application form on or before the 21st calendar day of the previous month in which you wish to restart as a full member. Your membership will re-start from the month following the month in which the club receives the relevant membership fee payment.
- Click here for the reinstatement application form:
- If you wish to re-enroll after your withdrawal from membership, please submit the re-enrollment application as set out below.
- We will send a membership subscription invoice on the 24thcalendar day of the relevant month. Please follow the instructions and make the relevant payments via PayPal.
- After your payment has been confirmed, you can join classes again in the following calendar month.
- If you wish to cancel after applying for re-enrollment, please follow the membership cancellation rules in the detailed rules for membership fees and withdrawals.
- Click here for the re-enrollment application form: