We are delighted to announce that William Hill, Vice President of SIRC, is succeeding the current President/Founder of the club Koji Tokumasu on 1st of December, 2021. This decision was made at the recent SIRC Board meeting.
Koji Tokumasu will continue serving for SIRC to support the President and other members to focus more on the longer term strategic plan and sustainability of the club.

Koji’s message
“Thank you for supporting SIRC for the last 4 years. I have been almost running flat out to grow this club from 14 children to the current members. We have grown so fast and there were some great achievements recently, like Samurai’s first participation in the official tournament and SIRC hosting BST Sevens.
Now I find it is a good time for me to step down and hand over to the next generation. I cannot find a better person than Will to be the next President, who has been helping the club from the beginning with strong passion in his heart. Once again thank you for supporting me for the last 4 years as President”
New President, Will’s message
Hello Club,
It is a great privilege and honor to become President of SIRC. I will work hard to continue the job that Tokumasu san has done over the past four years. I thank him for all his efforts to get the club into the enviable position that we find ourselves in. I am excited about the club’s future and I look forward to working closely with Chairman Kei, The Board of Directors, Administration team, Stake holders and the many coaches and volunteers.
I ask myself “How do you follow in the footsteps of greatness?”
Answer: Treading carefully seems to make sense and the old kiwi saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” also springs to mind.
I know I can’t do this alone so I will be calling on the support of the club to maintain the great legacy that Tokumasu san has built.
A short Maori proverb seems appropriate at this time.
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, He tangata, He tangata
It is people, It is people, It is people
Lastly in Japanese
(Let’s work together, and enjoy rugby together)