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Dr. Ishii Appointed as New Chairman of SIRC

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Keisuke Ishii is appointed as new Chairman of SIRC to succeed Terry Naito from 1 September. Dr. Ishii is an assistant professor at Teikyo University Hospital. He will continue the Chairman of Medical Committee at SIRC.

Mr. Terry Naito will stay as a board member and he will continue coaching Ninja group as the Head Coach. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Terry for his strong leadership during this difficult period.

Ms. Emi Hashimoto is also appointed as Director General of the club. She is to be in charge of general matters of the club for smooth operation.

Message from Dr Ishii

Under Terry Naito san’s chairmanship, the number of club members increased dramatically. In addition, due to the pandemic it was a very difficult time. However, Terry showed great leadership. I would like to express my respect and gratitude.

Terry told me that “kids smiles” was the thing he valued the most at SIRC when he stepped down. So, I will take over the chairmanship and his value and importance of “kids smiles” from him.

I want to give the kids more time to play rugby.  I think this will make the kids smile!

Finally I think the most urgent issue is to provide a place where we can play rugby safely and pay attention to prevent from COVID-19.

I’m looking forward to working with you all. Let ’s make our club better together!


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