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Training on 26 July Cancelled

Following yesterday’s Covid-19 “stay at home” request that was announced by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we have decided to cancel training this Sunday 26 July 2020. Whilst the coaches, medical staff and management team have been working tirelessly to consider how to provide a safe and enjoyable environment to enable rugby activities to take place,  we believe it is in the best interests of our members and the public that we refrain from going ahead with this weekend’s activities, and ensure that we play our part in mitigating the spread of Covid-19.

We are naturally disappointed to have to take this step, as the entire club has been doing everything possible since March of this year to provide our members with opportunities to stay connected with rugby (whether through video rugby tutorials, Zoom training sessions and coaching clinics), and we were so close in resuming full activities this weekend. However, as mentioned, the safety of our members and the community should take priority at all times and so we have made this difficult decision.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have supported and assisted the club in its efforts to resume classes under these unique circumstances.

Further updates on the club’s scheduled activities will be provided to you in due course.


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